Chelsea Rising
Limited Equity & Affordability at Penn South
Contact us at: LEAPSatPennSouth@gmail.com
Limited Equity & Affordability at Penn South
We are your neighbors --concerned cooperators --who want to make sure that we stay true to our history
and our values of affordability & equity. We invite you to join us.
We want to be involved in decisions that impact our future! You can too!
Join our email list to stay connected: LEAPSatPennSouth@gmail.com
Click the "Donate to LEAPS" link above to support our efforts.
October 2021 LEAPS Calls upon HPD, HUD and Attorney General James to investigate the MAG developer - Commercial Building 5 bidding process.

May 2021
Who really is MAG? What is its relationship with Washington Square Properties?
The recently published Report on the Proceedings of the Board of Directors meeting on April 15 offers a detailed rationale for the Board’s adopting a proposal to lease Commercial Building 5, which includes Gristede’s on West 26th Street, for development. But there are NO details of the actual proposal put forward by the developer, MAG Partners, that the Board adopted. The Option A proposal still has not been shared with Penn South cooperators.
While it sounds commendable that Penn South is entering into an agreement with MAG, a "woman-owned and managed company dedicated to inclusivity in the real-estate industry." The Board’s report does not tell cooperators that the founder and chief executive officer of MAG Partners, MaryAnne Gilmartin, was previously the resident and CEO of Forest City Ratner Companies. (see https://magpartners.com/#our-team)
This is the same company that bulldozed a Brooklyn neighborhood for the Atlantic Yards project. It made numerous promises and agreements with community organizations for both jobs and housing, most of which were never realized. Will Penn South suffer the same fate?
What is the background for this turn of events?
A consultant, Washington Square Partners, was hired by the Board in 2007 to advise Penn South and develop a strategic real-estate plan.
The April 12 Town Hall contained a slide showing that the Board adopted such a plan in 2008. The Board has never published this real estate strategic plan, and Penn South cooperators have never seen it.
Washington Square Partners relied upon the real estate strategic plan to develop a series of choices in the Request for Proposals (RFP) on what to do with Commercial Building 5. Its website states “a summary report which provided MRH [Mutual Redevelopment Houses] with a ranking of the development sites, recognizing that the client had short-term financial needs, but not at the expense of a well-thought-out long-term real-estate plan. Using the long-term real-estate plan as a guide, early action potential development sites were established.” https://www.washsquare.com/portfolio/penn-south.html
After the RFP was published there was one successful bidder: MAG Partners.
Turns out, MAG Partners is joined at the hip with Washington Square Partners.
Paul Travis, the founder and managing partner of Washington Square Partners, previously served as chief operating officer of Forest City Ratner Companies. (see https://www.washsquare.com/people-paul-travis.html). And, as mentioned, MAG CEO, MaryAnn Gilmartin was President and CEO of Forest City Ratner Companies.
Is this a conflict of interest? Did the Board know of this interrelationship when it voted to give away Commercial Building 5? Do elected officials know about this?
Will Housing Preservation & Development (HPD) investigate this giveaway of what has been publicly subsidized property?
Take Action !
Contact our elected officials & HPD now :
· Ask them to do their homework and investigate the details of the MAG/Washington Square Partners deal.
· Penn South is a model limited-equity cooperative and NORC, ask our elected officials and HPD not to compromise our values and to explore alternative proposals.
· When can we see the strategic real estate plan?
Contact: Julie Walpert - Assistant Commissioner, Housing Supervision, Housing Preservation & Development (HPD).
Phone: (212) 863-6500 WalpJ@HPD.NYC.gov
Contact Penn South Board -- letterstotheboard@pennsouth.coop
Please write all of our elected officials (see list below)
Join the LEAPS mailing list! Email leapsatpennsouth@gmail.com
We want to be involved in decisions that impact our future! You can too!
LEAPS: Limited Equity & Affordability Penn South -- We are your neighbors - concerned cooperators - who want to make sure that we stay true to our history and our values of affordability & equity. We invite you to join us.
Run for the Board !
· This is why we need candidates for the Board who are committed to middle- and low-income, publicly subsidized, limited equity and affordable housing to run as candidates for the Penn South Board of Directors.
More background about the Atlantic Yards :
The Atlantic Yards project, which was renamed Pacific Park due to the controversy, was the subject of a musical and an award-winning documentary "The Battle for Brooklyn."
Read and Weep ...
• Watch full film – The Battle for Brooklyn - here – Click here
Watch - click here
Trailer - https://battleforbrooklyn.com/trailer
⦿ ⦿ ⦿ ⦿ ⦿
Can you make a contribution to LEAPS?
Click here to contribute to LEAPS.
Your support will help us to print flyers to get the word out to our community, to continue our collective efforts to remain a limited equity coop with affordable maintenance.
We are in this together and every little bit helps!
Because of COVID-19 restrictions, LEAPS has not been able to hold regular meetings and other public events for the past 16 months. At these events we "pass the hat" and take up a collection for LEAPS.
Under the Penn South Groups' Policy, LEAPS is a recognized group within the Penn South community.
To retain this status, LEAPS had to agree that we would no longer have a separate treasury, so we closed our bank account.
We will no longer have annual memberships, and collect annual membership fees. Instead, those attending meetings are now called LEAPS participants. And we pass the hat at our meetings to raise funds.
In January 2020, before the start of the pandemic, at our last public meeting, LEAPS also decided to change its Bylaws, changing membership with annual dues to "participants". This was done because the Board insisted that all groups with a membership turn over their membership lists to the office, and that in the future group membership dues would be added to cooperators' monthly maintenance. LEAPS voted that we would not turn over members' names to the office or the Board, and instead changed membership to participants.
So, all funds collected by LEAPS are now turned over to the office, which holds these funds until LEAPS requests reimbursement for expenses incurred.
The printing of leaflets and flyers urging no to the erection of private market-rate apartments on Penn South property cost money. You can help by contributing to LEAPS using PayPal.
Click here to contribute to LEAPS.
Click here- https://www.paypal.com/donate/?business=VUVLK62QAEQ44&item_name=for+LEAPS¤cy_code=USD
Distributed by the LEAPS Coordinating Committee
Co-Chairs: Lizette Colón (8B); Tito Delgado (6B), Jay Schaffner (8B)
At-Large members: Caitlin Cahill (2A); Camille Irizarry (2A); Susan Nash (3A); Maureen Pyne (6B); Rosalie Regal (4); Rytva Soni (4); Leathea Vanadore (7A)
leapsatpennsouth@gmail.com www.leaps.nyc
April 15, 2021. The comments below are being shared in light of the April 12, 2021 Town Hall that was held discussing the options for Commercial 5 (26th Street and 8th Avenue);

April 7, 2021. This web page has been quiet for just over a year. The pandemic has slowed everything down. That does not mean nothing is happening. Below are three documents having to do with potential development on the Penn South Campus:
A flyer has been distributed at the door of all cooperators
A statement giving more details about the potential development (scroll down for additional pages)
Talking points for those cooperators who decide to call their elected officials or Board members (scroll down for additional pages)

Lizette Colon on the Puerto Rican Earthquake
Town Hall with Congressman Jerry Nadler
2019-12-07 Paul Robeson and Vito Marcantonio: Martyrs of McCarthyism
Gloria Sukenick Memorial 2019-06-25
Building 10, Penn South
New York City
Recording and editing by Brian Hammerstein
Gloria Sukenick 1925-2019 For more images go to "Gloria Sukenick 1925-2019" link above
Assemblyman Richard N. Gottfried on the New York Health Act Single Payer Heathcare Law
Richard N. Gottfried has represented the 75th District in the New York State Assembly for more than 40 years, making him the longest-serving member of that body. In this video he addresses LEAPS membership concerning the New York State single payer healthcare bill. For more information, go to https://www.nyhcampaign.org/ .
December 1st 2018 Puerto Rican Holiday Gathering
Great food...
...and great company...
...for a great cause!
Armando Santiago Pintado
SEIU 32 BJ Organizer/Vamos4Puerto Rico

NOVEMBER 6, 2018
Join us for PHONE BANKING Community room 2B
October 15 and 22, 6-9pm
No experience necessary; bring your cell phone (and charger) and we will take care of the rest.
Come for an hour or stay longer!
Sponsored by LEAPS/Chelsea Rising, in partnership with the office of Congressman Jerrold Nadler
Email: leapsatpennsouth@gmail.com
(Limited Equity and Affordability at Penn South
Invites All Cooperators To Come To The
MONDAY, OCTOBER 1st LEAPS General Meeting, at 6:30 p.m.
in Bldg. 8A Community Room (343 8TH AVENUE)
To All Penn South Cooperators:
1) This is the first communication LEAPS has had with you since we asked you to sign the letter asking the Board of Directors to change its new policy punishing Board members who disclose to cooperators what is being discussed at Committee meetings of the Board. 419 people signed such letters.
Some of you were approached individually and told that the facts as presented by LEAPS were not accurate or that the new rule was nothing more than a codification of what has always been practiced. We have a simple response, let the Board show us the documents evidencing such prior policy, a resolution, prior Board minutes, or anything. To date the Board has not responded to our request or the submission of the 419 letters.
2) On Monday, October 1, 2018, LEAPS will be holding a General Meeting to consider the recommendations by LEAPS’ election committee on who LEAPS should support for the Board of Directors for the upcoming (November 4th) election.
Our election Committee has sent out emails to all of the candidates to ask them to come and be interviewed. Any Board candidate who has not received an email request should contact LEAPS to set up an interview. The committee will provide us with a report of the committee’s questions, the candidate’s responses and the committee’s recommendations.
3) Please help to make sure the candidates chosen by the LEAPS members at the upcoming General Membership meeting get elected by voting for them and encouraging your neighbors to vote as well. We need to make sure we have the best members on the Board to represent the values of LEAPS – continuation of our limited equity status, maintaining Penn South as an affordable coop for lower and middle income families and individuals, transparency and accountability by the Board, and a safe and well maintained environment in which to live. If you want to help please contact us at the email below.
4) We are trying to get our Congressman Jerrold Nadler to come to Penn South to talk with us about the importance of helping with the November, 2018 midterm elections and how to help.
LEAPS will be training and coordinating phone banking at Penn South for Penn South Cooperators. It can be done in your home or in a community room in Penn South. As soon as we know the dates and the details we will have them posted on our bulletin boards.
The LEAPS Coordinating Committee leapsatpennsouth@gmail.com www.leaps.nyc
Limited Equity and Affordability at Penn South
Andy Byford, Chairman
Metropolitan Transit Authority
New York City Transit Authority
130 Livingston Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201
PROPOSED MTA SUBSTATION on 28th Street between 8th and 9th Avenues
We, the residents of Penn South and neighbors, concerned with the MTA’s proposed electric substation site on 28th Street, due to its proximity to residential buildings, playgrounds and parks, demand that:
· the MTA meet with the Penn South Board of Directors to address its concerns
· the MTA inform the Board why the other sites which were considered were rejected.
· conduct an environmental impact study
· provide the community with all environmental information on the effects of construction and operation of the proposed substation
· pay for an independent environmental scientist chosen by the community to evaluate said information
· meet with the entire community to answer questions and concerns
· all of the above to be accomplished before commencement of any substation project.
Name Address Building Apartment Phone Email
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Contact Susan Immergut email: suzylibrarian@yahoo.com
February 12, 2018: Successful Fundraiser -- Keeping Puerto Rico in our Hearts
(photo by George Malive)
With music, prizes, food and dancing.
LEAPS celebrated Speaker Corey Johnson's new position on February 8, 2018. Questions were asked about housing and housing for the LGBTQ community, transportation, pedestrian safety, Puerto Ricans in New York City after Hurricane Maria followed by a meet and great moment between The Speaker and those joining the party. The Speaker told us even though he now has citywide responsibilities, he won't forget the people who elected him, the Chelsea community. A celebration cake was shared by all.
LEAPS at the Women's March, Preparing for the March by Making Hats and Reading Signs (January 19 and 20, 2018)
Successful Potluck and Fund Raiser for Puerto Rico. A good time was had by all. Food. Music.Dancing. Concern.
December 3, 2017
Penn South residents prepare donations for Puerto Rico.
Working together makes a difference. Chelsea Rising leads the way.
Guest Speaker/Orador Invitado: Armando Santiago Pintado
SEIU 32 BJ Organizer/Vamos4Puerto Rico
Click on each person's name to go to their place in the video.
Matthew Barile from P.S.S.S., MRH President Morris Benjamin, and MRH General Manager Brendan Keany presented information about P.S.S.S. and the recent HUD loan closing respectively.
Jay Schaffner from LEAPS introduced Rosalind Bennet, a screenwriter, former actress, and presenter trained by https://www.climaterealityproject.org. She presented Vice President Al Gore's current slide deck. She was followed by Marilyn Vasta of 350NYC who read a long list of President Trump's anti-environmental executive orders, then encouraged Penn South Cooperators to attend The People's Climate March in Washington DC on Saturday April 29th. Click here for ways to get to the March.
State Senator Gottfried speaks about the New York Health Act and how it addresses the cuts threatened by the Trump administration. He takes questions from the LEAPS audience. Introduced by Jay Schaffner from LEAPS.
Good article in the Village Voice about Gottfried and the New York Health Act: http://www.villagevoice.com/news/to-save-lives-and-billions-of-dollars-new-york-state-must-pass-universal-health-care-9626315
http://www.nyhcampaign.org/ http://assembly.state.ny.us/mem/Richard-N-Gottfried/
LEAPS hosted Congressman Nadler, State Senator Hoylman, City Councilman Johnson, and several other community leaders after the election of President Trump.
If you play the clip then click on the YouTube icon in the bottom right of the clip, you can go directly to each speaker's section by clicking on the time measurement next to their name in the YouTube clip description.
LEAPS on the way to the Women's March.
Sign making before the Women's March.
Materials for crafts at a LEAPS event.